There’s this buddy cop movie riiight and it is set in a prison
though riiight and the prison the prison riiiight is in a jungle
so these two cops they gotta do surveillance riight in this prison riight
but it is not too familiar to them riight because they’re cops riight not only
that they’re in a fucking jungle riight and that’s another layer right there riight ya see the way I’m going to direct it riight is you’re never gonna hear what these characters, the prisoners, the cops, the warden are saying riight because it’s all from the perspective of this guy on his fiftieth year of time riight and he’s like 99 riight so it’s like slowed down silent from his perspective riight and it is like a slow motion god damn mime like ballet with these in deep cops and malcontent prisoners riight and
you’ve got the contrast of these prison riots all this fuckin violence contrasted with this old dude’s silence and it’s like a penitential silence riight and hey man this is my stop riight look out for it on the big screen riight
Subway evening
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